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Ouverture du Mastère Spécialisé Complex Systems Engineering à Centrale Marseille

Ecole Centrale de Marseille



A “complex system” can be defined as a system including multiple elements with different and variable individual behaviours which interact to produce the overall system behaviour. This very general definition clearly reveals that a large number of environmental, biological and even human systems can be qualified as complex.

About Complex Systems Engineering

The Master’s in engineering of complex systems, aims to introduce students to professions requiring expertise in the design and control of such systems to implement an overall approach to the processes in question. Two activity sectors are targetted addressing environmental or biomedical issues.

Two separate master’s tracks are then proposed :

The Master’s is designed in the tradition of the training offered by Ecoles Centrales, placing the student at the heart of the process, directly involved in multiple professionalising activities including soft skills.The Master program is accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education. It also contains some elective courses, remotely taught, shared with other higher institutions in Europe and around the Mediterranean basin.

Career prospects

This Master's programme is designed to provide its students with the specialist knowledge and transferable skills to pursue careers in companies, global corporations or non-governmental organisations or for those interested by research to pursue their studies by a PhD.


The master programme is available for both UE and non UE students. The two years programme required skills in sciences as it exhibits a multidisciplinary approach to complex systems.  So admission is open preferentially for undergratuated students with a bachelor’s degree, usually in applied mathematics, physics, chemical engineering, mechanics or civil engineering.Admission processes and costs are described in depth here for:

• non UE students

• UE studentsIn all the case applicants must meet the Ecole Centrale Marseille requirement for English language proficiency, and include a CV and a motivation letter.


The master’s programme is taught in english.


General overview:The programme is structured in 4 semesters of 30ECTS each, named S7, S8, S9 and S10. It’s a two years full-time programme.

  • S7 mainly contains propaedeutics courses to provide to the students the necessary  background in basic sciences. It is structured around a common core for the two pathways and courses dedicated to the environmental or the biomedical eng. pathways. It offers up to 5 weeks placement in labs and optionally a summer internship (1-2 months) in lab or company.
  • S8 and S9 
  • S10 is the master thesis

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